Warcry Furies

(step by step pictures to follow)

I just wanted table top standard with these guys, something that would look better than just plastic! Below is a pretty brief guide of what I did with mine, only thing I found with these guys is that they are a bit fiddly in places and I hadn't done the smoothest of builds with them.

Models were base coated with Wraithbone spray and then the skin was covered with Gryph Charger Grey (c), followed by a wash of Black Templar (c). Highlights were done with Dawnstone watered down and then edge highlight was Dawnstone mixed with Wraithbone, about a 60/40 mix.

Beard and underneath of wings painted in Khorne Red, then in Blood Angels Red (c), highlighted with Evil Sunz Red.

Claws and horns painted with Skeleton Horde (c), shaded with Snakebite Leather (c) and highlighted with Wraitbone.

The dagger was painted in Leadbelcher then painted over with Typhus Corrosion and heavily dry brushed over with Stormhost Silver.

For the base I used Stirland Mud, which once dry I went over with Rhinox Hide to cover and patches then dry brushed with Tyrant Skull. The edge of the base was painted in Steel Legion Drab, with a couple of wasteland patches of grass from Army Painter.


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